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среда, 3 апреля 2013 г.

Fashion fans or fashion slaves?


4 комментария:

  1. I'm sure everyone wants to keep up to date. Especially the majority of young people like to show themselves off in public. On the one hand it's good and if you are young you follow fashion easyly.On the other hand they even don’t realize how they become fashion slaves.

    1. It's a pity people can't say no to addictions - nocotine, drugs, clothes, social networking sites, making big bucks, etc. Why don't we want to be free?

    2. Sorry, we can't do without clothes, in our climate, at least. I meant nicotine, drugs, fashion, etc.)))

  2. I think that people "can't be free" because fashionable, expensive clothes is the way to show themselves, as it was mentioned, and also the way to demonstrate their status, sometimes fake status, superiority over other. As for Daghestan, some our people would prefer to starve than to wear the old dress for some occasion...or to be out of fashion)))
