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вторник, 30 апреля 2013 г.

A Bullying Story


5 комментариев:

  1. It's really a problem. A girl....bully... it's terrible. It's too cruel. But we can often see it among the boys. They want to be strong and brave. But the fact is children who like bullying are not brave if they stay alone. And what should parents do if they don't want their children to be bullied? Of course, sport... But the main thing - they must know what their children do, I think they must FEEL their children...

    1. Yes, bullying among girls is of the worst kind - it's so unnatural... With boys, it can be understood - male rivalry - but not justified, of course. We're not animals, after all...

  2. In fact, I think that all bullgirls and bullboys are mentally defective. They are very notorious, not confident. Bullying helps them to realize themselves, so making their mates complexed and frightened brings them satisfaction, I think! Everybody who faces such problem should take into account it, and not to take it serious. But of course when you are beat up regularly, ignoring is useless. If I were in such a situation, I couldn't bear it. If your offenders are stronger, you can use beat them with some objects)))Because otherwise it woul never stop.....I agree with Lika that it is up to parents and school solve these problems. Because this behavior is connected with family climate. Classmates also play a major role in preventing it and helping the victim.

    1. People, beware! There're bulldogs and bulldozers, but there are no bullgirls and bullboys=)))

  3. Oh))))))))exactly i missed the letter 'y')))))I saw in the ABBY Linguo dictionary 'bullyboy'))))))
