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вторник, 23 апреля 2013 г.

Dagestan hits the headlines


3 комментария:

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  2. OMG...I don't like this article very much.. Now Dagestan republic is considered to be one of the most wildest and dangerous places in the world! America made this "Boston performance", and poor boys were just at the wrong time in the wrong place. Feel sorry for them and their parents...

    "Life in Dagestan, in a few words, can be chaotic and violent, and if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, short. As for poverty, very few Dagestanis can escape it."- sounds awful...

    1. There, there, don't get so upset! America is past her prime, ours is at hand))) They've never written anything positive about Russia (look through the collection of articles tagged RUSSIA in my Diigo library). I don't think we're less happier than many Americans. Cheer up!
