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вторник, 27 ноября 2012 г.

Roma people in Europe

11 комментариев:

  1. Such attitude to Roma people is habitual in other countries, including Russia, isn't it?

    1. Well, Spain's Roma seem to be OK) As for Russia, let me introduce you to this poem:


      Устав от разводов и пьянок,
      Гостиных и карт по ночам,
      Гусары влюблялись в цыганок
      И седенький поп их венчал.

      "Дворянка" в капотах широких
      Навагу едала с ножа,
      Но староста знал, что оброка
      Не даст воровать госпожа.

      И слушал майор в кабинете
      Пуская дымок сквозь усы,
      Рассказ, как "мужицкие" дети
      Барчатам разбили носы.

      Он знал, что когда он отдышит,
      И сляжет, и встретит свой час,
      Цыганка поднимет мальчишек
      И в корпус кадетский отдаст.

      И вот уходил ее сверстник,
      Её благодетель - во тьму,
      И пальцы в серебряных перстнях
      Глаза закрывали ему.

      Под гул севастопольской пушки
      Вручал старшина Пантелей
      Барчонку от смуглой старушки
      Иконку и триста рублей.

      Старушка в наколке нелепой
      По дому бродила с клюкой,
      И скоро в кладбищенском склепе
      Ложили её на покой.

      А сыну глядела Россия,
      Ночная метель и гроза
      В немного шальные, косые,
      С цыганским отливом глаза.

      Доныне в усадебке старой
      Остались следы этих лет:
      С малиновым бантом гитара
      И в рамке овальной портрет.

      В цыганкиных правнуках слабых
      Тот пламень дотлел и погас,
      Лишь кровь наших диких прабабок
      Нам кинется в щеки подчас.

      Дмитрий Кедрин, 1944

  2. Maybe I will be critical, but I think that basically the guilt in such a position of Roma is in a closed, isolated way of life, characteristic of them for centuries. Therefore it is not quite correct to charge in this situation just the actions of the authorities.. And the hope for a better attitude towards Roma I associate only with the emergence of more and more educated and progressive-minded people among their young population, living in accordance with European norms and morality.

    1. I agree with you... in a way. Evidently, stereotypes do not arise without rhyme or reason. BUT! Do they deserve to be treated like a trash?! Is it fair?! We all are slaves of prejudice... Shouldn't we try to step over it? Each man is to pay a bill for his own mistakes - not for mistakes of the whole nation he belongs to.

  3. ....the way of life they lead is typical for them, they used to live like this ,it is their nature....we cannot change it...all that we can do is to put up with it. We do not have the right to deprive them of their rights...to receive education, work etc .People should pay more attention to them, contribute to alleviating the plight of Roma.We just must help them....

  4. Of course it's a mistake when people assimilate the Roma with marginalisation and criminality. And I believe that a lot of Roma want good life,houses,good job,they want their children to be educated, but there is no strong policy aimed at helping them.

  5. To tell the truth, i dont like The Roma. Maybe some of them are honest, but i've never met such Roma. In our city they are very impudent, and when i face them in the street i try to avoid them

  6. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  7. Why should these people be always the slaves of this world? Why aren't they allowed to be educated, to have home, and so on? I think , they can also have rights and to be aware of them! All people on the earth are born to be free!Sometimes I consider them to be guilty of what they have, of their place in the world,BUT Is it also right when the whole world consider them to be discrimination and marginalisation? It is unjust in some way...They can be also accepted, and to be like the other people.

  8. Why should these people be always the slaves of our world?Why aren't they allowed to be educated, to have home like the others?Is it right, and just? Sometimes I consider them to be guilty of what they have,of their place here, BUT Is it fair consider all the Roma people to be discrimination and marginalization? They may also be like the other people, and be aware of their rights...
