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среда, 12 ноября 2014 г.

10 tips for job interview success


7 комментариев:

  1. conclusion: no matter what the job is, employers never want to hire an introvert...

    1. If that were the case, half of mankind would be jobless, me including)

    2. )))))) well, that's a point)))))))
      btw, was always interested how you manage, being an intro [and i like the way you admit it xDDDD ]

    3. Just read Maggie Heath's '15 signs you're an introvert' and you'll understand)

    4. i did) and the text is kinda...subjective, how you think?) both in 'positive' and 'negative' points)) who, i wonder, Ms Heath considers herself to be...
      if giving a priority to writing reveals an intro, then, i guess, you definitely are one...))

    5. As I see it, this division of people into introverts and extraverts is of limited functional value. A lot of people do not fit into this classification. What was Pushkin or the Apostle Paul? Both of them were excellent writers, btw)))

    6. well, any division of people is subjective and has a limit)) both were Cholerics, btw, if we are speaking about classifications))))))
