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воскресенье, 10 марта 2013 г.

Smoking ban in Russia


4 комментария:

  1. in many countries there's a ban for smoking in public places..and finally, in Russia too! It was really necessary to introduce it , because third of people in Russia are addicted to smoking. So, i really hope..that this situation will change for better))

  2. To my mind, anti-smoking legislation will have no effect in our country, as our people don't realise the disastrous effect of cigarettes.I agree with Diana, that in Russia leave a grear number of smokers.Thus, the smoking ban may cause resentment among them.Nevertheless,the measures related to smoking in public places must be taken immediately, in order not to cause discomfort and harm to non-smoking society.

    1. I'm afraid in some places (you got the message)there may be problems with the new law enforcement, that is making people obey it.

  3. I think smoking bans mean nothing.What did the smoking ban in every public places do? People who smoke can go outside and smoke. We often observe how smoking people stand around the doors where the non-smokers are coming through. Therefore, the idea that this is saving people from us terrible smokers is not really the truth.
