СтраницыDocendo discimus

вторник, 26 марта 2013 г.

Aren't you sorry for him?


7 комментариев:

  1. No wonder why he was depressed. the problems he was surrounded with since 2000..

    Nevertheless, i feel sorry for every single deceased. there's no reason to make an exception

    1. Feeling sorry for the dyind and for the dead is so natural ... His nostalgia for Russia and suffering at the end of his life have radically changed my attitude to this heart-broken man...

  2. My mother is sorry as she supposed nobody trully loved him when he was alive

  3. Women are such tenderhearted creatures :) It's so easy to move us to pity...
    But I couldn't say I was touched by his letter. He walked in golden slippers for more than 20 years and lived in Britain for the past 10 and after that he dared to be unhappy?!
