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понедельник, 18 февраля 2013 г.

News - 13. Grammy winner admits not singing live

(also see post above)

7 комментариев:

  1. Beyonce is a beautiful and talented woman.She is an absolutely great artist. Personally, I feel that she degraded her country and herself by using a recording.
    If you view the inauguration as just another performance, then it should be no big deal that she would rely on a recording to make the performance better than she could do live. If you view the inauguration as a serious event for country, then it should be sung live as it has always been. It is unpatriotic to do otherwise.

  2. She's so talented. She has wonderful voice. But I think, she had to sing live. Of course, she was worrying. But it's not a justification. She should have kept calm.

  3. Wonderful..amazing..strong and crystal clear voice))She has really unique voice unlike any other singer))Wherever she sings her song is always coming from her heart..so sincere and moving))) And as for inauguration, i fully agree that it's a serious event for the country, so it's better to sing it live . To tell the truth,i was surprised to know it. so, i don't understand her action)

  4. Beyonce is my favourite singer. She is a really talented person. And her voice is something admirable and divine. As she said, she was really born to sing, to sing alive..because not many singers nowadays have such an unbelievable voice. I've seen a lot of renditions, where Beyonce didn't use pre-recorded track and her performance was perfect. But in this case I was astonished at the turning-point..

  5. Today Beyonce is the only singer, who is working at 100..in my view, so it was surprising to know that she was singing to the sound recording. I would not like to justify her but there really might be some reasons why she did so.

  6. There is no doubt,that the inauguration is very solemn event in every country; the rendition of the anthem is the culmination of this event, so the singer has much respinsibility,because here the song, being an imprescriptible part, symbolizes the patriotism, arouses the feeling of pride and admiration for the native land.
    That's why I consider it inappropriate to rend the national anthem with pre-recorded track, it makes the ceremony artificial...But as we know, it is easy to blame.I am sure that some circumstances didn't really allow her to cope with it in a proper way =)
