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пятница, 7 декабря 2012 г.

News 11. When should photographers drop their cameras?


6 комментариев:

  1. I think it is an indication that people have no compassion in our time.First of all photographers think of themselves how to receive the award for a good photo. It turns into a tendency and such photos are popular in the Internet now.

  2. Yes, i agree with Zalina.Photographers think only about getting profit,but not about the people.It's awful,when a person has chance to help,but doesn't do it only for one desire-getting money

  3. In my opinion the subject risen in the article is a topical one because nowadays nearly everyone has a camera or at least a cameraphone and can get into such a situation. Especially photographers... Some of them think only about their job, profit and their reputation. Others, facing such circumstances, are at a loss and just don't understand anything. And, fortunately, there are photographers who drop their cameras and do their moral duty. And I simply can't understand how some people can take photos when they see someone who needs help.

  4. i am of the same opinion)This article may be of interest to the general public, because nowadays this problem is wide spread) Each of us can get into a mess.. But..if there is a way to help someone, you need to put down your camera and Help!)

  5. what is going on in this world? what do our people do? ...it is awful...How can these photographers keep on shooting and just look on instead of puting down their cameras and just save the victims?i wonder if the desire to be famous is more important then a human's life?Only God can judge them......
