End of October, and we're done up enough not to wear anything for Halloween party - we ghosts are ready((( Ah, France, France... Such a wonderful literature, such a great history...and such an awful spelling xD
you've chosen quite innocuous words))) God knows why, when giving an example of terrifying German words, one always gives 'Sehenwürdigkeiten'. Pff, come off!
"Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz" xD (btw, which language did you study as the second?)
End of October, and we're done up enough not to wear anything for Halloween party - we ghosts are ready(((
ОтветитьУдалитьAh, France, France... Such a wonderful literature, such a great history...and such an awful spelling xD
Yes, the latter's odd. I wonder how cuties at the French Department cope with it)))
Удалить*gloomy face* dunno. so i prefer German - every word is read the way it is spelled. there's too much to spell, though)))
УдалитьToo much indeed... "Selbstverstaendlich, Sehenswuerdichkeit, Verkehrsmittel" to name but a few monsters)))
Удалитьyou've chosen quite innocuous words)))
УдалитьGod knows why, when giving an example of terrifying German words, one always gives 'Sehenwürdigkeiten'. Pff, come off!
"Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz" xD (btw, which language did you study as the second?)
German. Now it's as rusty as scrap metal)))
УдалитьOh, Joe Dassin.... Thanks.... Great pleasure...Nostalgia )))
ОтветитьУдалитьI'm very happy you liked it)))